


This Christmas surprise your loved ones with local products

One of the most special times of the year is coming and this 2020, although different, we must live Christmas with the same or more enthusiasm if possible. Despite the global pandemic situation in which we find ourselves, we need to have a moment of celebration and hope. So if you can't meet your loved ones, surprise them with a selection of gourmet products. You can place your order in our online store and we take care of delivering it to your loved ones.

2020 will be marked by the global pandemic generated by the SARS-COV 19 virus that since March has been taking over all areas of our lives. After so many hard months, in which we have changed our habits, our day to day, months in which we lack hugs and contact, one of the most endearing times has arrived. Perhaps the mobility and meeting restrictions do not allow us to meet friends and family who live far away. But, despite the limitations, you can be close to your loved ones. Surprise them with a surprise gift or detail, a gift that arrives at their home and is present this Christmas in their home. From Montegil online store you can make your purchase, you tell us who you want to send it to and we take care of bringing your best wishes in the form of tasty products. You can surprise with an extra virgin olive oil of the Morona variety, a gourmet quality EVOO that you can buy in a special gift box, perfect for this Christmas! In addition, you can include delicious plain queen olives or stuffed with the most exquisite fillings such as cheese, almond, piri-piri or jalapeños. In addition to a gourmet selection of olives, at you can find delicious pickles such as banderillas, onions or capers, perfect for preparing appetizers or delicious Christmas dishes. What if you surprise with our OLIVE MIX? It is a perfect combination of green and black olives, accompanied by pieces of red pepper and aromatic spices. You can create the perfect Montegil pack, with the products and formats that you like the most, combine extra virgin olive oil with stuffed olives and pickles ... this Christmas give the flavor of the earth, the flavor of Montegil

Tres recetas riquísimas de atún y aceitunas

Tres recetas sanas, riquísimas y perfectas para este verano cuyos ingredientes principales son el atún y las aceitunas. Dos productos naturales, ricos en propiedades y beneficios para la salud, perfectos para comidas ligeras y frescas.Tres recetas sanas, riquísimas y perfectas para este verano cuyos ingredientes principales son el atún y las aceitunas. Dos productos naturales, ricos en propiedades y beneficios para la salud, perfectos para comidas ligeras y frescas.

Tartar de atún rojo y encurtidos

¿Cómo preparar un tartar de atún? El tartar de atún es un plato delicioso, fresquito y perfecto para el verano. Hoy queremos proponerte una receta que combina el atún con encurtidos como las aceitunas, alcaparras y pepinillos.

Lo ideal es que la pieza de atún rojo la hayamos congelado previamente para evitar el riesgo de anisakis y el proceso de descongelación lo hagamos en el frigorífico durante unas 24 horas. Una vez lista la pieza de atún, realizaremos el aliño picando un diente de ajo y media cebolla muy fina. Añadiremos las aceitunas bien picaditas, junto con las alcaparras y los pepinillos a trozos pequeños. 

¿Cómo hay que cortar el atún para hacer el tartar? El secreto para cortar bien el atún para tartar es cortarlo en forma de daditos, no demasiado pequeños para que no se deshagan y notes en sabor y la textura del atún. Una vez cortado el atún lo reservamos.

Por otra parte, prepararemos la salsa que le dará un sabor espectacular a nuestro tartar, pondremos tres cucharadas soperas de salsa de soja, un poco de mostaza, un chorrito de aceite de sésamo, un poco de salsa Perrins y unas gotitas de tabasco.

Ha llegado el momento de mezclar los encurtidos con la salsa hasta que queden bien integrados. Añadiremos el atún y moveremos todo con cuidado para que los dados se mantengan enteros. Pasados unos minutos prepararemos una base sobre la que poner el tartar, bien puede ser un tomate cortado o aguacate cortados a dados, alguna ensalada de wakame con sésamo… cualquier opción es buena. Una vez lista la base, la aliñaremos con sal y aceite de oliva virgen extra y le añadiremos el tartar ayudándonos de un aro metálico que le dará la forma característica de este plato. 

Quiche de atún y aceitunas verdes

Preparar una quiche es una buena solución si tienes una reunión, es perfecta tanto para tomar fría como caliente. Esta receta es muy sencilla. Para la masa puedes hacer una masa casera o bien comprar la masa especial para quiche.

  1. Precalentamos el horno a 180º
  2. Preparamos la masa de la quiche sobre un molde para el horno.
  3. Elaboramos el relleno con una mezcla de 100 grs de queso emmental troceado, 150 grs de Aceitunas Verdes Gordal sin hueso picadas, 4 huevos, 200 grs de atún natural escurrido y 200 grs de nata líquida.
  4. Vertemos la mezcla en el molde con la masa y hornearemos durante 30 minutos.

Resulta una receta muy sabrosa, sencilla y que puedes preparar con antelación para llevarla a un encuentro con amigos, comida familiar, etc. Será un acierto! 

Pasta con atún y aceitunas

Hay cientos de formas de cocinar y de combinar la pasta, y las aceitunas son un ingrediente muy habitual en las ensaladas, pero hoy os traemos una receta con un plato caliente de espaguetis con atún y aceitunas.

  1. Ponemos agua a hervir con un poco de sal
  2. Cortamos cebolla en juliana y la ponemos a rehogar en una sartén con aceite de oliva virgen extra.
  3. Laminamos el ajo y las aceitunas verdes (te recomendamos nuestras aceitunas gordal Montegil)
  4. Ponemos los espaguettis a cocer si el agua está hirviendo con una hoja de laurel. Cocinamos al dente.
  5. Cuando tengamos la cebolla doradita, la reservamos y en la misma sartén ponemos los ajos y después el atún. Seguidamente incorporamos las aceitunas y medio pimiento bien picadito.
  6. Pasados unos minutos, incorporamos el tomate cortado a daditos y la cebolla que teníamos reservada. Dejamos unos minutos sofreír a fuego muy bajo.
  7. Sirve la pasta y añade por encima la salsa que hemos elaborado con atún y aceitunas

Es un plato muy sencillo de pasta, pero que resulta muy sabroso, muy natural y muy nutritivo. Esta salsa combina con pasta larga (espaguetis, tagliatelle, linguine) como con pasta corta (macarrones, farfalle, fusilli…)


Under the hashtag #ElRetoDeLaAceituna more than 200 chefs join the challenge to look for a new concept and reinvent the table olive. Diego Guerrero, Pepe Rodríguez, Pepa Muñoz, Ricard Camarena or Ramón Freixa have been in charge of taking on the first challenge and starting this pyramid chain until reaching 200 chefs.

Manzanilla olive pesto with white prawn tartare and quail egg yolk; Queen olive gazpacho, herb and almond soup; manzanilla olive, artichoke and caviar exchange ... these are some of the creations of the chefs with whom #ElRetoDeLaAceituna has started.

This initiative began last November from Interaceituna (the Interprofessional table olive organization) whose main objective is to show the potential of a basic ingredient in the Mediterranean diet such as table olives. Show the world the gastronomic versatility of the olive beyond the appetizer and tapas, reinvent and start from scratch with a product that has many qualities and benefits for our diet and health.

Despite the great variety of olives that exist both in typology (verdial, gordal, hojiblanca, morona ...) and flavors, the olive has taken a place at the tables as an appetizer, as a side dish and in some occasions, merely decorative. The challenge is to make it a true protagonist, in the center of modern and traditional gastronomic creations. For this, the campaign begins with 5 renowned chefs and authentic national gastronomic figures such as Pepe Rodríguez, Ricard Camarena (National Gastronomy Award for Best Chef of the Year), Ramón Freixa, Pepa Muñoz and Diego Guerrero. They kicked off and challenged 50 chefs to put the focus on the olive, today there are more than 200 chefs who show their creations and olive reinvention in their social networks.

It will be next March when the 6 creations that will become the winning caps of the challenge will be selected. From there, more than 2,000 bars and restaurants will present these creations to the delight of all diners.

In Montegil we are convinced that #ElRetodelaAceituna will be a success and that it will give this product so natural, so healthy and so our place.

If you want to make your own challenge, in our blog and social networks you can find some ideas for #appetizers, #dinners, #events…. Do not forget to visit our shop and place your order online! We will take you home with the olives you like best and with the most original flavors.

Plato elaborado por Pepe Rodríguez (Interaceituna) 

Tres ideas para regalar esta Navidad

Cada año resulta más difícil buscar el regalo de Navidad perfecto, buscamos regalos de Navidad originales y sorprendentes, buscamos ideas creativas para Reyes o el regalo de Papá Noel diferente al de todos los años…. Pero cuando las ideas se agotan ¿qué hacemos cuando no sabemos que regalar en Navidad? Pues quizás lo más habitual sea buscar en internet “regalos de Navidad” para ver si entre los miles de resultados encontramos la inspiración y la salvación de nuestra búsqueda.

Pues desde Montegil queremos proponerte 3 ideas originales y sorprendentes para regalar esta Navidad. 

Un regalo para amantes de los productos gourmet:

En la tienda online de Montegil encontrarás una selección de productos gourmets para regalar esta Navidad. Las deliciosas aceitunas gordales de Montegil combinadas con exquisitas almendras o con sabores como el piri piri o el queso azul. Además, como novedad tenemos las nuevas aceitunas rellenas de jalapeños, con un toque picante que sorprenderán a los paladares más exquisitos. 

Para devoradores de aceitunas

Si quieres hacer un regalo a un apasionado de las aceitunas, en la tienda online de Montegil, tenemos gran variedad de formatos para que puedas regalar a lo grande. Te proponemos que sorprendas regalando nuestras clásicas aceitunas gordales, las deliciosas aceitunas sabor anchoa y nuestro “olive mix”... un pack perfecto para los más aceituneros. 

Para los más originales

Sorprender con un regalo a veces es una tarea difícil, pero aquí te proponemos este pack original para Navidad compuesto de banderillas, unas aceitunas cuquillo perfectas para elaborar recetas y platos creativos, una botella de aceite de oliva virgen extra reconocida y premiada internacionalmente, aceitunas gordal rellenas de jalapeño y aceitunas gordal rellenas de queso azul. Un regalo perfecto para los que buscan originalidad y algo diferente.


Montegil Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the 2018/19 campaign is ready. An extra virgin olive oil of premium quality for the most select palates. We are very proud of the results of this campaign, in which we have cultivated, cared for and collected our olives in a very special way to obtain one of the best extra virgin oils on the market.

The Montegil Extra Virgin Oil of the 2018/2019 campaign is now available in our online store  and usual sale points. From the heart of Andalusia, we have managed to extract the purest juice of our olives. It is an extra virgin obtained from the morona olive variety, an oil with very special organoleptic characteristics. With delicate flavor but great personality, our extra virgin olive oil has already been recognized in previous years for its quality and characteristics, obtaining the silver medal in the international competition Olive Japan Awards.

An Extra Virgin fresh and rich in properties.

Extra virgin olive oil is a highly valued and valuable product, since in recent years the consumer is learning to value extra virgin qualities such as taste, acidity, the variety of the olive from which it comes, etc. Actually, it is common for users to value the extra virgin of new harvest, being able to appreciate that it is 100% freshly pressed olive juice.

An easy, comfortable and fast way to enjoy this new harvest extra virgin at home is through our online store, where you can place your order in a simple way and in a few days you can enjoy it at home. More information here.

Montegil battered olives: an easy and quick recipe for your appetizers.

Do you want to prepare an original appetizer? We propose this simple recipe, easy to prepare and delicious to taste: battered green olives. Although this recipe is very popular in Italy, in Spain we are discovering it now, and there are many restaurants and homes that opt for this original way of eating olives.

The origin of this dish takes us to the Italian region of Le Marche, and its original name is "Olive all'ascolana". Although there are different ways to make this delicious recipe with olives, the original and more traditional one has a filling of beef, turkey, pork and a variety of vegetables.

We are going to propose a different and simpler way to make coated or fried olives. For this purpose we propose to batter Montegil olives stuffed with cheese. You will get crunchy olives with irresistible cheese flavor inside.


-             Montegil olives stuffed with cheese (Buy here)

-             White flour

-             Fine bread crumbs

-             Egg

-             Extra virgin olive oil for frying

The steps are very simple: drain the olives well, pass them first through white flour, then through the beaten egg and finally through the bread crumbs.

Deep fry the olives in hot extra virgin olive oil and enjoy this delicious olive appetizer!

Three Christmas appetizers with olives

It's time to organize and plan your Christmas dinners and meals. From Montegil we want to give you some simple Christmas recipes so that you have exquisite and easy-to-make appetizers.

The meals and dinners in the month of December multiply: meetings with friends, family reunions, meals with coworkers .... That's why more and more we are looking for healthy dishes, with natural products that contain few calories. If you do not want to start the year with several kilos more, and an excess of sweets and fats, we propose some dishes for this Christmas healthy and very simple to prepare.

As it could not be otherwise, the olive is the queen of appetizers and starters in any event and meeting, it is a healthy product, rich in vitamins and they are also exquisite!

We recommend 3 perfect snacks for this Christmas:

1. Sirloin tartar with olives: It is very easy to prepare, you just have to cut the veal meat, olives and a bit of chives in the form of cubes. We mix it very well with oil, salt, soy sauce, mustard and egg yolk. And ready to serve!

2. Tuna & olives niguiri. It is one of the appetizers with which you will surprise and you will leave all the diners in love with this recipe. Its preparation is also simple: cook the rice and give it the shape of niguiri; Place the red tuna in the form of a sheet over the rice and top with some chopped olives and a little oil with cayenne to add a little spice. Spectacular!

3. The Intense: it is a very simple skewer to make but with an intense flavor, as its name suggests. How do we prepare this appetizer? We cut the roll goat cheese in slices; on each slice we add a queen olive and we give the perfect touch with fried almond crushed on top. Add some olive oil and basil and you'll have a winner appetizer!

Montegil presente en Experiencia Premium 2018

El próximo martes 18 de diciembre, Montegil estará presente en uno de los eventos de experiencias gourmets más importantes de Andalucía.

Organizado por la empresa Citoliva, se trata de un evento para que sentidos y sabor se unan descubriendo matices a través de catas guiadas y maridajes. De la mano de profesionales de la gastronomía y de empresas andaluzas que participan en este evento, es una ocasión única para descubrir una experiencia premium de sabores tan nuestros como los de los aceites de oliva virgen extra, aceitunas, pates, quesos, panes, etc.

Montegil tendrá una presencia muy especial en esta Experiencia Premiun 2018, ya que los asistentes podrán disfrutar de nuestras aceitunas aliñadas con hierbabuena y rellenas de almendras. Una combinación de sabores perfecta que fusiona la tradición y la innovación. Las aceitunas de Montegil, en todas sus variedades y sabores, suponen una experiencia premium, aceitunas seleccionadas con mimo y tratadas con delicadeza para que lleguen con todo su sabor y propiedades a la mesa. ¿Quieres saber todas las variedades que tenemos? Descúbrelas pinchando aquí 

Colaborando con la innovación

Citoliva es un Centro Tecnológico de Olivar y el Aceite, una fundación sin ánimo de lucro que investiga, desarrolla y plantea nuevas propuestas en el sector oleícola. Desde Montegil, llevamos varios años colaborando y aunando fuerzas con el equipo de Citoliva, ya que uno de nuestros pilares empresariales es la investigación y la innovación dentro del mundo de la aceituna. Conscientes de que el sector olivarero es uno de los más tradicionales y arraigados en nuestra tierra, apostamos por un modelo de innovación que mejore el producto y la experiencia de nuestros clientes, cuidando el fruto desde su cultivo hasta que llega a la mesa de los consumidores.

Experiencia Premium 2018

Si quieres participar en Experiencia Premium puedes inscribirte en el siguiente enlace:

Lugar: Museo Terra  Oleum (Jaén)   Fecha: 18 de diciembre

Montegil, el mejor regalo de esta Navidad.

¿Cuál es el regalo estrella de esta Navidad? ¿Quieres sorprender con la idea más original en estas fiestas? Te proponemos las mejores ideas para regalar en Navidad.

Si estás buscando el regalo perfecto de esta Navidad y quieres sorprender a los tuyos, en Montegil te damos las 5 claves para hacer el regalo perfecto.

1. Productos gourmets para regalar

En la sección “Gourmets de Montegil” encontrarás la mejor selección de productos de nuestra tierra para regalar. Excelentes aceitunas gordales de primera calidad rellenas de almendras, rellenas de queso o de piri-piri… perfectas para obsequiar esta Navidad a los paladares más exigentes.

2. El regalo perfecto para ellos

Regalar a un caballero siempre suele ser más complicado, pero nosotros te proponemos que regales nuestra selección de productos gourmets para que aciertes con tu regalo para ellos.

3. Un regalo original para el amigo invisible

Se trata de uno de los juegos más tradicionales de España por Navidad. Familiares o amigos realizan este divertido juego donde cada uno recibirá un regalo de un amigo desconocido. Un regalo para el amigo invisible original y económico puede ser un lote o selección de productos Montegil: aceitunas rellenas, aceitunas sabor anchoas, aceitunas gordales rellenas de queso, banderillas, o alcaparras….

4. Regalos de empresas de calidad y económicos

Regalar productos de la tierra es una de las mejores opciones para obsequiar a los trabajadores y colaboradores de las empresas.  En la tienda online de Montegil podrás encontrar gran variedad de productos gourmets para que elabores una magnífica selección de productos y prepares un magnífico lote de productos para esta Navidad.

5. El regalo perfecto para las cenas y comidas de Navidad

Tanto si eres anfitrión como invitado, en tu mesa no pueden faltar los aperitivos de Montegil. Nuestras aceitunas visten tu mesa de sabor y calidad, y son el aperitivo perfecto para dar comienzo a una excelente comida entre familia y amigos.

Además en tus recetas de Navidad no pueden faltar ingredientes tan sabrosos como las cebollitas encurtidas, las alcaparras o el tapenade… productos que le darán un toque de distinción a tus platos estas fiestas.

¿Quieres más información de nuestros productos? Visita nuestra tienda aquí  Tienda Montegil

3 Recipes with olive tapenade

Tapenade is a delicious paste of olives, peppers, capers and aromatic herbs. Its texture and versatility make it possible to use it in dishes of all kinds, pasta, tostas, salads ... Montegil tapenade is ready to eat at any time and prepare delicious Mediterranean recipes. We bring you 3 delicious and original dishes with olives tapenade:

Mille-feuille of potato, tapenade and quail egg

This recipe is ideal as an appetizer and skewer. A simple dish to surprise your guests where the tapenade gives juiciness and an authentic flavor. The preparation method is very simple: Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into thin sheets (about 2 or 3 millimeters). Brown them in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Use that oil to fry quail eggs. Place the layers of potato intercalating the tapenade and finish with the quail egg on top.

Toast of tapenade and white cheese

This recipe is perfect as a quick starter or as a light and nutritious dinner. Spread on a slice of bread or toast our tapenade Montegil, place on top a slice of fresh cheese and finish with a leaf of parsley.

It is a very simple but very healthy dish. Olives are rich in fiber, they contain heart-healthy fats. Additionally, fresh cheese provides calcium, ideal for strengthening bones. A great recipe!

Green leaves, pasta and tapenade salad

This pasta and tapenade salad is perfect to enjoy at any time of the year. A fresh dish, light and ready to eat at any time. Our suggestion is to use different types of green leaves (lamb lettuce, arugula, romanilla ..., add the cooked pasta and give it the perfect touch with our tapenade. A couple of tablespoons throughout the salad, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and a pinch of salt. Mix well and serve!

To make these delicious recipes with tapenade and your best olive dishes, we recommend that you login our online store. In you can buy queen olives, stuffed olives, anchovy flavor olives, tapenade, capers and many more products. To benefit from best prices chose packages.

¿Por qué se le echa una aceituna al vermú?

Llega la hora de tomar un vermú, una tradición que vuelve a estar cada vez más de moda entre los grupos de amigos. Se trata de disfrutar de un rato agradable antes de las comidas entre charlas y risas con los amigos. Un tiempo de ocio, que se hace imprescindible y se convierte en un auténtico ritual para muchos.

La aceituna es ese toque especial e indispensable que acompaña siempre a esta bebida, pero ¿por qué se le pone una aceituna al vermú? Pues la principal razón es por el sabor que le aporta a esta bebida. El toque de salmuera, ingrediente en el que se conservan las aceitunas, le da el toque perfecto a esta bebida, dándole un toque de sabor extraordinario.

La siguiente cuestión es qué tipo de aceituna hay que ponerle al vermú. Como sabemos, las variedades y sabores de aceitunas son muy amplios, por lo que elegir la aceituna ideal será primordial para que tu vermú quede perfecto. Lo más importante es que las aceitunas deben ser deshuesadas y frescas. Si quieres darle un toque más alegre y un gusto especial, prueba con las aceitunas gordales rellenas de Montegil. Puedes probar hasta encontrar tu combinación favorita.

Prepara combinados sobresalientes con la línea para hostelería Montegil

La línea especial para hostelería de Montegil incluye, además de una extensa gama de aceitunas, una serie de productos ideales para que prepares combinados de una forma rápida, sencillas con ingredientes naturales. Se trata de la línea Citric Line, botes de medias rodajas de naranja y limón, conservadas perfectamente para que las sirvas siempre frescas y manteniendo todo su sabor.

5 ideas to eat olives in a healthy way

We propose you 5 healthy ways to eat olives, the ingredient of the Mediterranean diet that in addition to flavor, color and texture, will provide your recipes with vitamins, iron and fiber.

Bread with olives: have you not tried this combination yet? It is increasingly common to find different types of breads that include healthy ingredients that enrich their flavor and nutrients. Olives are one of them, as they provide great flavor and combine perfectly with any type of food. Ideal to enjoy a delicious sandwich!

Salads with olives: turn your salads into a source of health and energy by adding your favorite olives. They match with pasta salads, rice, couscous ... and are great with tomatoes, onions, tuna, cheese and a good extra virgin olive oil also!

Appetizers with olives: if you want to give an original touch to your appetizers we suggest some of these original pinchos to succeed on any occasion. Olives are always the appetizer that you cannot miss in your meals, events and celebrations ... the healthiest and richest!

The perfect ingredient of your pizzas: we recommend that you prepare them at home with your favorite ingredients, in this way you will convert your pizzas into a healthy dish without too much caloric intake. Add them whole or sliced to your pizzas and they will be delicious and will have an extra contribution of vitamins and iron.

Olive marmalade: an original and healthy way to complete your breakfast that you can make yourself, with only 100 gr of green olives, 50 gr of sugar and a glass of lemon juice. Its preparation is very simple. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan over low heat. Put the olives first, then the lemon juice and the sugar. Mix the mixture with a blender until a paste forms. Let it rest a few minutes and remove it. You will have a delicious and natural olive marmalade at home.


If you have a bar, restaurant or catering business, Montegil offers you a direct, quality purchase service with all the guarantees.

Sometimes organizing the purchase for your business, can be a real headache, so in Montegil we have put at your disposal an online store for you to place your order, pay and receive your purchase quickly and easily.

In our store you will find a wide variety of products and formats that adapt to your needs: tasty tapenade to make pizzas, paninis or toasts, bone and pitted queen olives, cuquillo olives (delicious black olives), anchovy flavor olives, olive mix (olives mix with our special seasoning), ... so you can take care of and pamper your clients with the perfect aperitif.

And if you want to have the best banderillas for your customers, try Montegil banderillas ... Spectacularly delicious

An innovative packaging!

Our olives and products are packed in PET, an innovative material in this sector with great advantages since it preserves all the flavor of the product, is practically unbreakable and keeps intact the qualities of olives and pickles.

Montegil range of products offers a wide variety of formats to adapt to the needs of our customers, small formats to have them at home and enjoy the best snacks, and special formats for food service such as half gallon and gallon

Citric Line half slices of lemon and orange to combine and season your dishes.

Montegil Citric Line is specially designed for food service, as it provides our customers with a safe and convenient way to always have half slices of lemon and half orange slices ready. Indicated for a multitude of fish dishes, it is also essential to serve your gin, rum and original cocktails.

Find all these products in our online store and we will take it when and where you tell us, without complications and guarantee. If you have a bar or restaurant and want to buy olives, olives, pickles, banderillas, capers, onions, olive mix, tapenade, lemon slices, orange slices, extra virgin olive oil, go online to!

3 appetizers with olives to succeed with your friends

We show you three very original appetizers with olives to make your parties, dinners and meetings with your friends a complete success.

We all know that olives are the perfect appetizer. Besides being a very tasty food, they provide many benefits for our health, being one of the healthiest starters we can take. Although there are many recipes that can be made with olives, today we bring you 3 original appetizers based on olives to surprise your guests or simply to prepare at home and enjoy a wonderful time.

Gourmet skewer

A tasty gourmet skewer made of queen olives, boletus and foie. The most select appetizer for the most special occasions.

Ingredients for 3 skewers:

Queen olives, 20gr of boletus (or varied mushrooms), fresh foie, 4 dried apricots, bit of thyme, bread toasts and extra virgin olive oil.


1st step: Finely cut the mushrooms and the dried apricots and sauté them with extra virgin olive oil. Reserve.

2nd step: Heat the foie in a pan and discard excess fat.

3rd step: Put some of the mushroom/apricot paste on the toast, then add the queen olive and the foie.

4rth step: End with a pinch of thyme. Ready to enjoy!

Island prawn skewer

A very fancy skewer! Prawns, purple onion, lime, coriander, and green olives

Ingredients for 2 skewers:

Green olives, 4 cooked prawns, 4 purple onion rings, 2 coriander leaves, lime juice


1st step: Prepare the skewers alternating all ingredients

2st step: Add some lime juice and coriander leaves  

Bien Avenido (well avenged) skewer

A delicious skewer perfectly marrying earth and sea products. Surprise everyone with this skewer made of anchovies, chilli, dill and extra virgin olive oil.

Ingredients for two skewers: Green olives,2 anchovies cured in salt, 2 anchovies cured in vinegar, 2 chilli peppers, dill, and extra virgin olive oil.


1st step: prepare the skewer alternating all ingredients.

2nd step: add some extra virgin olive oil and dill leaves. 

Benefits and properties of table olives

Table olives are a natural food full of benefits for our health and recommended by specialists for their nutritional properties. Olives are part of our cuisine and our culture and they are the favorite appetizer of Spanish people for its great flavor and its multiple combinations.

Although until a few years ago, olives were prohibited in diets of people who wanted to lose weight, the latest studies recommend eating them habitually since it is a complete food and full of nutritious benefits. Olives contain essential oils omega-3 and omega-6, beneficial and necessary for the organism; they are a natural source of vitamins A and C, essential for our defenses; the contribution of thiamin is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system; and the mineral contribution (iron and sodium) help to balance our body levels. In addition, olives give us an extra fiber, ideal to purify our body.

Table olives are a source of benefits for our health, highlighting their power to prevent heart disease and their positive impact on the circulatory system. They are undoubtedly a natural regulator of cholesterol thanks to their contribution of unsaturated fats. Their contribution of iron make them recommendable for people with anemia.

Can I take olives if I am on a diet? As we said at the beginning, until recently this food was discouraged in diets to lose weight, but the latest studies contradict these beliefs and indicate that they are ideal as a satisfying food to calm the appetite in a healthy and tasty way. Its fiber content encourages adding them to our diet.

Table olives, like most healthy foods, may be eaten regularly but without excess, and the daily recommendation for an adult is 25 gr. of table olives a day, that is, about 7 units. Olives are a source of health, and from Aceitunas Montegil we offer you a range of flavors and combinations so you can enjoy them as you like them ... and now you know that they are a food full of benefits that will help you stay healthy.

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