

Healthy life

Truths and false myths about olives.

Are olives fattening? Do olives have the same properties as olive oil? Do they increase cholesterol? We are going to solve these and other questions about olives that, despite being a common food in our lives, there are false myths around them.

We will start by highlighting the natural properties of olives, since it is a natural product rich in fiber, iron and healthy fats. Olives are not just an aperitif that accompanies a beer or a good glass of wine, but a very healthy Mediterranean custom that brings us many benefits to our health. Its unsaturated fat content prevents heart disease, is beneficial for the circulatory system and helps to maintain our weight.

After this introduction, we are going to dismantle some myths and false beliefs about olives:

- Olives are fattening is the first widespread myth, but for many years, nutritionists and health experts have been reporting on the beneficial properties that help control weight. Its high fiber content and satiating power make taking some olives before meals help to keep our weight in check. So that olives are fattening is the first false myth on this list.

- Do olives increase cholesterol? The answer is a clear no. According to studies carried out by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), the polyphenols in olives reduce LDL cholesterol or "bad" cholesterol. In this way, olives protect against the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL cholesterol), their subsequent accumulation and hardening of the arterial walls.

- Do olive oil have the same properties as olives? Although a priori it may seem a bit absurd, this question is not, since the natural composition of olives makes it have more properties than oil. In addition to incorporating the oil itself, they have an extra amount of water, fiber, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, the consumption of olives brings more benefits to our body than liquid gold.

- Olives contain a lot of salt. This is the weak point of olives, since their conservation in brine makes them have a high sodium content, therefore we must take certain precautions if we have high blood pressure. But we have the solution so that you can continue enjoying this aperitif: you can soak them the night before use and desalt them as is usually done with cod.

- How many olives is recommended to take a day? Although there is no exact answer to this question, the recommended daily serving ranges between 6 and 10 olives. A perfect amount to take every day in different ways, a few days as an aperitif, another day we add it to a salad, in pizzas, etc.

Knowing the food we eat is essential to incorporate it correctly into our diet, avoiding false myths and beliefs. Olives are a source of properties and benefits for our diet, and they are also delicious !!!!

Extra virgin olive oil is your ally to improve your defenses.

This is one of the most complicated times each year as regards health matters: colds, flu, etc. begin. And this year it gets even more complicated with the coronavirus. Can we do something to protect ourselves and help our body? The answer is a resounding yes. We can help our body to strengthen it and improve its defenses so that the possible diseases that we can contract do not catch us off guard.

A balanced diet is essential for our body to be healthy and energetic to face any viral or bacterial process. Extra virgin olive oil is a perfect ally for us since, according to multiple studies, it strengthens our defenses. Among other scientists, José Juan Gaforio (Professor of Immunology at the Department of Health Sciences of the University of Jaén) is a great supporter of the ability of extra virgin olive oil to improve the immune response by increasing the number of cells that participate in the body's defense process, which causes greater resistance to external pathogens.

Vitamins A, D, E and K act as antioxidants in charge of counteracting the accumulation of free radicals that damage our cells and lower our defenses.

On the other hand, recent studies have shown that vegetable fats stimulate the cells of the immune system, generating a more effective response to possible viruses and bacteria. The fats in extra virgin olive oil stimulate the production of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell responsible for protecting our body from infectious diseases. Likewise, oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, present in extra virgin olive oil, and responsible for giving it its spicy and bitter taste, are substances that also help to strengthen the immune system

Helping our body and our defenses in the autumn period becomes this 2020 more vital than ever and, in addition to regularly consuming the liquid gold of our land, there are other recommendations that you should not forget:

- Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in your diet

- Take blue fish, rich in Omega-3, vitamins D and E, among many others.

- Avoid sedentary lifestyle

- Sleep at least between 7 and 8 hours, since sleep also helps our immune system.

- Reduce ultra-processed foods and refined sugars.

At Montegil we make the extra virgin olive oil from our land with all the guarantees so that it preserves its exceptional properties and nutritional values… and it is also very good.

The new era of the olive.

The olive has gone from being simply “table olive” to becoming a superfood of the Mediterranean diet and being the main ingredient in haute cuisine dishes. Proof of this is the union of the best chefs in Spain to reinvent the olive and start what they call "The new era of the olive".

For centuries the olive has been served simply as an aperitif or as an accompaniment to meals, but that is changing. Recent studies have brought to light the innumerable properties of olives and the benefits of their consumption, as they are nutritious, have monounsaturated fats and antioxidant vitamins A, B and E.

In addition, the nutrients that olives possess contribute to better gastrointestinal health. It contains unsaturated fats, so they are good for keeping cholesterol at bay and contribute to a balanced diet.

For such reasons it is included as a fundamental food of the Mediterranean diet, declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Along with regular practice of exercise, it contributes to having not only good physical, but also mental health. Actually, if the olives that the emperors took in Rome came from Andalusia, how can we not take advantage of this delicious delicacy?

Gordal, stuffed or seasoned, with or without bone, ... no longer occupy a secondary position at the table, but become the main course.

An example of this reinvention is given by chefs Pepe Rodríguez, Richard Camarena, Ramón Freixa, Pepa Muñoz and Diego Guerrero who have got down to work and have given a turn of the screw to such millennial food. With the initiative #ElRetoDeLaAceituna, they have created up to a total of 50 recipes with this great little food. Recipes that you can recreate at home and that in Montegil we have the main ingredient: the olive.

Have you ever considered putting olives on the table in a different way than we normally see them? Well, the chef Francisco Javier Talavera offers us to fill the gordal olive with garlic prawns. Rico, right?

How about a gordal olive bonbon and cod? A delicacy undoubtedly created by Nacho Basurto, from the Gastro Asubio restaurant.

With our Montegil gordal olive and following the instructions of chef Miguel Ángel Mateos, you can delight your guests with a tapa of gordal olives with tempura almonds and pesto hummus.

Join the challenge and experience this innovative blend of flavors that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Tres recetas riquísimas de atún y aceitunas

Tres recetas sanas, riquísimas y perfectas para este verano cuyos ingredientes principales son el atún y las aceitunas. Dos productos naturales, ricos en propiedades y beneficios para la salud, perfectos para comidas ligeras y frescas.Tres recetas sanas, riquísimas y perfectas para este verano cuyos ingredientes principales son el atún y las aceitunas. Dos productos naturales, ricos en propiedades y beneficios para la salud, perfectos para comidas ligeras y frescas.

Tartar de atún rojo y encurtidos

¿Cómo preparar un tartar de atún? El tartar de atún es un plato delicioso, fresquito y perfecto para el verano. Hoy queremos proponerte una receta que combina el atún con encurtidos como las aceitunas, alcaparras y pepinillos.

Lo ideal es que la pieza de atún rojo la hayamos congelado previamente para evitar el riesgo de anisakis y el proceso de descongelación lo hagamos en el frigorífico durante unas 24 horas. Una vez lista la pieza de atún, realizaremos el aliño picando un diente de ajo y media cebolla muy fina. Añadiremos las aceitunas bien picaditas, junto con las alcaparras y los pepinillos a trozos pequeños. 

¿Cómo hay que cortar el atún para hacer el tartar? El secreto para cortar bien el atún para tartar es cortarlo en forma de daditos, no demasiado pequeños para que no se deshagan y notes en sabor y la textura del atún. Una vez cortado el atún lo reservamos.

Por otra parte, prepararemos la salsa que le dará un sabor espectacular a nuestro tartar, pondremos tres cucharadas soperas de salsa de soja, un poco de mostaza, un chorrito de aceite de sésamo, un poco de salsa Perrins y unas gotitas de tabasco.

Ha llegado el momento de mezclar los encurtidos con la salsa hasta que queden bien integrados. Añadiremos el atún y moveremos todo con cuidado para que los dados se mantengan enteros. Pasados unos minutos prepararemos una base sobre la que poner el tartar, bien puede ser un tomate cortado o aguacate cortados a dados, alguna ensalada de wakame con sésamo… cualquier opción es buena. Una vez lista la base, la aliñaremos con sal y aceite de oliva virgen extra y le añadiremos el tartar ayudándonos de un aro metálico que le dará la forma característica de este plato. 

Quiche de atún y aceitunas verdes

Preparar una quiche es una buena solución si tienes una reunión, es perfecta tanto para tomar fría como caliente. Esta receta es muy sencilla. Para la masa puedes hacer una masa casera o bien comprar la masa especial para quiche.

  1. Precalentamos el horno a 180º
  2. Preparamos la masa de la quiche sobre un molde para el horno.
  3. Elaboramos el relleno con una mezcla de 100 grs de queso emmental troceado, 150 grs de Aceitunas Verdes Gordal sin hueso picadas, 4 huevos, 200 grs de atún natural escurrido y 200 grs de nata líquida.
  4. Vertemos la mezcla en el molde con la masa y hornearemos durante 30 minutos.

Resulta una receta muy sabrosa, sencilla y que puedes preparar con antelación para llevarla a un encuentro con amigos, comida familiar, etc. Será un acierto! 

Pasta con atún y aceitunas

Hay cientos de formas de cocinar y de combinar la pasta, y las aceitunas son un ingrediente muy habitual en las ensaladas, pero hoy os traemos una receta con un plato caliente de espaguetis con atún y aceitunas.

  1. Ponemos agua a hervir con un poco de sal
  2. Cortamos cebolla en juliana y la ponemos a rehogar en una sartén con aceite de oliva virgen extra.
  3. Laminamos el ajo y las aceitunas verdes (te recomendamos nuestras aceitunas gordal Montegil)
  4. Ponemos los espaguettis a cocer si el agua está hirviendo con una hoja de laurel. Cocinamos al dente.
  5. Cuando tengamos la cebolla doradita, la reservamos y en la misma sartén ponemos los ajos y después el atún. Seguidamente incorporamos las aceitunas y medio pimiento bien picadito.
  6. Pasados unos minutos, incorporamos el tomate cortado a daditos y la cebolla que teníamos reservada. Dejamos unos minutos sofreír a fuego muy bajo.
  7. Sirve la pasta y añade por encima la salsa que hemos elaborado con atún y aceitunas

Es un plato muy sencillo de pasta, pero que resulta muy sabroso, muy natural y muy nutritivo. Esta salsa combina con pasta larga (espaguetis, tagliatelle, linguine) como con pasta corta (macarrones, farfalle, fusilli…)

5 trucos para bajar de peso y llevar una dieta más saludable.

Si estos meses de confinamiento has ingerido más kilocalorías de las que has gastado, puede que tu báscula lo haya notado y hayan aparecido unos kilos de más. Si además has llevado una dieta poco saludable y tu despensa se ha llenado de dulces y de ultraprocesados, quizás sea el momento de ponerle freno y empezar mejorar tu dieta y bajar esos kilos de más.

Aquí te dejamos 5 trucos sencillos para perder peso antes del verano:

1. Desayuna siempre con un buen Virgen Extra.

Dile adiós a la bollería y a los cereales azucarados y prepárate un buen café solo, pan de centeno con un chorrito de aceite de oliva virgen extra y unas rodajas de tomate. Un delicioso desayuno saludable al que puedes incluirle un cuenco de fruta de temporada.

2. Sustituye los snacks fritos y ultraprocesados por aceitunas.

Si pasas muchas horas en casa y tienes la necesidad de abrir la despensa y comer algo entre horas, disfruta de un snack saludable como las aceitunas. Es un producto natural, lleno de propiedades beneficiosas y con pocas colorías para tu cuerpo.

3. Usa alternativas a la sal en tus platos.

Dale sabor a tus platos pero con menos sal. Hay muchos sustitutos naturales que le darán potencia a tus recetas y son más saludables que la sal. Uno de los ingredientes que puedes añadir a tus platos de pescado y carne para aderezarlos es la alcaparra, un fruto natural que te sorprenderá y no puede faltar en tu cocina.

Otros sustitutos de la sal pueden ser el ajo y la cebolla, las hierbas y especias son perfectas para muchas recetas y harán que no eches en falta la sal (clavos, comino.cilantro, romero, albahaca, pimienta de cayena…). El jugo de limón, el vinagre o aceites especiados son también perfectos como alternativa.

4. Más ensaladas y menos precocinados.

El mundo de la ensalada te ofrece un maravilloso abanico de posibilidades, ya que tienes multitud de productos con los que prepararlas. Combina hojas verdes (lechuga, canónigos, berro, rúcula, espinaca) con fruta de temporada, con frutos secos, con legumbres…. Sin olvidar de añadirle nuestras aceitunas Montegil, que van siempre perfectas con las ensaladas.

5. Comidas divertidas y sanas también para niños.

Enseña a los más pequeños que la comida sana también es divertida, por eso elabora platos con verduras y frutas dándole un toque divertido.  Como sugerencia puedes preparar este juego de “Tres en Raya” a base zanahoria, queso y aceitunas. Una cena divertida y muy saludable. 


For sauces, side dishes, in pizzas, in salads, ideal for fish and meat dishes ... caper is part of our cuisine but for many it remains an unknown product. We are going to discover its origin, its history and the different uses for this product, so natural and so ours.

 This small fruit is part of our Mediterranean gastronomy and comes from a bush called Capparis Spinosa (caper). The caper is the immature cocoon that is collected to be preserved habitually in vinegar, salt and tarragon. Although its natural flavor is bitter, once prepared, capers have an excellent flavor and can be taken as a pickle.

In gastronomy, capers are perfect for making sauces, seasoning fish and meat, and add an original touch to salads and pizzas. In addition, due to its high sodium content, it can be a perfect substitute for salt when seasoning chicken, salmon, turkey, vegetables or salads.

The caper in the kitchen

In Ancient Greece the flowers and fruits of the plant were used in cooking, and the stems and leaves were also used for medicinal purposes. The Greeks were in charge of introducing capers in the Mediterranean towns, especially in the Italic and Iberian peninsulas, as well as in the Mediterranean islands. This plant quickly and easily adapted to these territories due to the warm and sunny climate.

There is also evidence of the use of the caper as an ingredient in various dishes in Ancient Rome, including in the cold cheese casserole (possible origin of the gazpacho) or in dishes that served as an aperitif.

In Andalusí cuisine, capers were kept in brine and, seasoned with oil and vinegar, they were eaten with curdled milk. It also appears in many dishes combined with asparagus, since both coincide in the wild harvest season.

In the 17th century, capers appeared in numerous recipes collected by the famous Le Cuisinier cookbook, possibly the gastronomic bible of the time.

Currently there are many uses and dishes in which the caper is the protagonist or it is one of the ingredients that adds a unique touch to recipes. Capers are highly valued for making sauces, Italian pasta dishes and Greek pasta inherited from centuries of tradition, such as the famous putanesca sauce. Pizzas and focaccias are also perfect to incorporate this ingredient, in addition to seasoning meat dishes such as chicken. It is also very present in the most avant-garde cuisine, whether in sauces such as tartar, remoulade or tartar steak.

In Spain the use of capers is very widespread in all regions, forming part of traditional dishes in the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Extremadura, Andalusia, Murcia….

The pasta made from crushed olives with capers, anchovies and olive oil is known as Tapenade, a perfect product to make appetizers or to accompany meat and fish.

6 Healthy Tips After Summer

We all know that summer is full of excesses in meals and drinks, barbecues, dinners, meetings, trips ... that's why when September arrives one of our purposes is to recover healthy habits and eliminate those extra kilos that summer has left us.

If your goals for September includes to enjoy a healthy life, we propose 7 simple tips to lose weight after the summer:

1. A delicious salad!

Choose a salad as your main course of your lunch and dinner. Do not always prepare the same ones, change ingredients, combine them with nuts, fruits and do not get bored.

2. Move to healthy snacks.

Snacks between meals are some of the pleasures that we find it harder to give up. If you have a hard time resisting, we recommend some healthy foods to be taken out while enjoying. Olives are a perfect snack, full of nutrients and very healthy properties. You can also take nuts, natural almonds, lupins ... Remember that you can take them but in moderate amounts.

3. Extra virgin olive oil, the best ally and substitute for sauces.

Mayonnaise, ali oli, barbecue, etc. sauces are one of the major sources of calories in our food, so we recommend that you replace them with a good Extra Virgin Olive Oil, such as our Montegil EVOO. It brings health and flavor to all your dishes in a healthier way.

4. Light dinners but full of flavor.

Do not give up dinners to lose weight, eliminating some meals after the summer is not a good idea. For the last meal of the day we recommend that you advance dinner time, since in summer we usually make the last meal very late and go to bed in full digestion. Try to return to your routine and take fresh and light dishes. From Montegil we propose our fresh cheese toast with tapenade. A tasty and easy recipe to make.

5. Do not give up your favorites.

Recovering healthy habits takes time. If we try to achieve them in a very short term, we will get tired in a few days and in several weeks we will have forgotten our good intentions. Therefore, you should not give up your favorite dishes, you just have to make small changes so you can enjoy it while remaining healthy. From Montegil we recommend that you make a fresh and natural pizza at home, you can use whole-wheat flour for the dough, use homemade fried tomatoes and complete it with fresh products such as vegetables, chicken meat, etc. Give an extra touch of health and flavor with some Montegil olives or with our tapenade!

6. Eat superfood!

The concept of "superfood" is increasingly used by nutritionists, chefs and lovers of healthy living. Foods with a high concentration of vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and healthy fats are known as superfoods. They are very interesting foods due to their nutritional potential and the benefits they bring to our health if we include them in our diet. Examples of superfoods are extra virgin olive oil, legumes, quinoa, broccoli, turmeric, ginger or avocado...

The Mediterranean diet, for its variety and richness, includes some of these superfoods, and among them is the olive.


Why is Extra Virgin Olive Oil the best of all vegetable oils? What properties does Extra Virgin Olive Oil have? Is the Extra Virgin really so good for the diet? Can we consume Extra Virgin Olive Oil if we are on a diet? Today we solve your doubts, explaining the benefits of regular use of extra virgin olive oil.

The Mediterranean diet is so famous for providing a balanced nutrition and thus for its contribution to people’s health. This is largely thanks to the use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. What are those properties of Extra Virgin Olive Oil that make it so beneficial for our health?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is resistant to high temperatures, which makes it ideal for cooking, but additionally is composed of unsaturated fats, lipids of vegetable origin known as healthy as they contribute to increase "good" cholesterol, stabilize the heart rate or relieve inflammation, among other qualities. Also, this oil is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A, D, K and E. Vitamin A is necessary for the growth of bones and soft tissues, helps the proper functioning of eyesight and prevents infections; Vitamin E, on the other hand, is antioxidant, cardioprotective, anti-tumor, etc. while vitamins D and K favor the absorption of calcium by the bones and help the blood to coagulate with the generation of red blood cells, respectively.

For the youngest members of the household, the consumption of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in meals entails, among other benefits, a better control of the weight in the infantile stage (40% of the children of our country are overweight).

In short, the consumption of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from childhood to old age, along with a balanced diet will make our health stronger and contribute to avoid a large number of diseases. And all this being said we will also enjoy the incredible and rich flavor that Extra Virgin Olive Oil provides us, such as the one from the new 2018-2019 Hacienda Montegil crop made from our olives of the Morona variety.

Three Christmas appetizers with olives

It's time to organize and plan your Christmas dinners and meals. From Montegil we want to give you some simple Christmas recipes so that you have exquisite and easy-to-make appetizers.

The meals and dinners in the month of December multiply: meetings with friends, family reunions, meals with coworkers .... That's why more and more we are looking for healthy dishes, with natural products that contain few calories. If you do not want to start the year with several kilos more, and an excess of sweets and fats, we propose some dishes for this Christmas healthy and very simple to prepare.

As it could not be otherwise, the olive is the queen of appetizers and starters in any event and meeting, it is a healthy product, rich in vitamins and they are also exquisite!

We recommend 3 perfect snacks for this Christmas:

1. Sirloin tartar with olives: It is very easy to prepare, you just have to cut the veal meat, olives and a bit of chives in the form of cubes. We mix it very well with oil, salt, soy sauce, mustard and egg yolk. And ready to serve!

2. Tuna & olives niguiri. It is one of the appetizers with which you will surprise and you will leave all the diners in love with this recipe. Its preparation is also simple: cook the rice and give it the shape of niguiri; Place the red tuna in the form of a sheet over the rice and top with some chopped olives and a little oil with cayenne to add a little spice. Spectacular!

3. The Intense: it is a very simple skewer to make but with an intense flavor, as its name suggests. How do we prepare this appetizer? We cut the roll goat cheese in slices; on each slice we add a queen olive and we give the perfect touch with fried almond crushed on top. Add some olive oil and basil and you'll have a winner appetizer!

Olives ... a superfood that you must include in your diet!!!

The concept of "superfood" is increasingly used by nutritionists, chefs and lovers of healthy living. Foods with a high concentration of vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and healthy fats are known as superfoods. They are very interesting foods due to their nutritional potential and the benefits they bring to our health if we include them in our diet. Examples of superfoods are extra virgin olive oil, legumes, quinoa, broccoli, turmeric, ginger or avocado ..

The Mediterranean diet, for its variety and richness, includes some of these superfoods, and among them is the olive.

Do you know all the benefits of olives?

  • Ideal to prevent cardiovascular diseases, since they are useful for lowering high cholesterol (LDL) levels, thanks to the fact that they protect from the oxidation of bad cholesterol, preventing its hardening and accumulation in the arteries.
  • Rich in vitamins, water and minerals.
  • A perfect antioxidant to fight against body aging and oxidation.
  • The perfect appetizer, since they contain fewer calories than we have been led to believe and their high fiber intake makes them perfect for inclusion in diets to lose weight. Fiber also improves gastrointestinal health and improves constipation.
  • Help counteract anemia, due to its iron content.
  • Perfect for beauty treatments.

Recommendations for healthy consumption.

A balanced diet based on healthy food, exercise and water is essential for all the benefits to act in our body. The recommended daily intake of olives is a serving of about 5 to 7 olives.

3 Recipes with olive tapenade

Tapenade is a delicious paste of olives, peppers, capers and aromatic herbs. Its texture and versatility make it possible to use it in dishes of all kinds, pasta, tostas, salads ... Montegil tapenade is ready to eat at any time and prepare delicious Mediterranean recipes. We bring you 3 delicious and original dishes with olives tapenade:

Mille-feuille of potato, tapenade and quail egg

This recipe is ideal as an appetizer and skewer. A simple dish to surprise your guests where the tapenade gives juiciness and an authentic flavor. The preparation method is very simple: Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into thin sheets (about 2 or 3 millimeters). Brown them in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Use that oil to fry quail eggs. Place the layers of potato intercalating the tapenade and finish with the quail egg on top.

Toast of tapenade and white cheese

This recipe is perfect as a quick starter or as a light and nutritious dinner. Spread on a slice of bread or toast our tapenade Montegil, place on top a slice of fresh cheese and finish with a leaf of parsley.

It is a very simple but very healthy dish. Olives are rich in fiber, they contain heart-healthy fats. Additionally, fresh cheese provides calcium, ideal for strengthening bones. A great recipe!

Green leaves, pasta and tapenade salad

This pasta and tapenade salad is perfect to enjoy at any time of the year. A fresh dish, light and ready to eat at any time. Our suggestion is to use different types of green leaves (lamb lettuce, arugula, romanilla ..., add the cooked pasta and give it the perfect touch with our tapenade. A couple of tablespoons throughout the salad, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and a pinch of salt. Mix well and serve!

To make these delicious recipes with tapenade and your best olive dishes, we recommend that you login our online store. In you can buy queen olives, stuffed olives, anchovy flavor olives, tapenade, capers and many more products. To benefit from best prices chose packages.

5 ideas to eat olives in a healthy way

We propose you 5 healthy ways to eat olives, the ingredient of the Mediterranean diet that in addition to flavor, color and texture, will provide your recipes with vitamins, iron and fiber.

Bread with olives: have you not tried this combination yet? It is increasingly common to find different types of breads that include healthy ingredients that enrich their flavor and nutrients. Olives are one of them, as they provide great flavor and combine perfectly with any type of food. Ideal to enjoy a delicious sandwich!

Salads with olives: turn your salads into a source of health and energy by adding your favorite olives. They match with pasta salads, rice, couscous ... and are great with tomatoes, onions, tuna, cheese and a good extra virgin olive oil also!

Appetizers with olives: if you want to give an original touch to your appetizers we suggest some of these original pinchos to succeed on any occasion. Olives are always the appetizer that you cannot miss in your meals, events and celebrations ... the healthiest and richest!

The perfect ingredient of your pizzas: we recommend that you prepare them at home with your favorite ingredients, in this way you will convert your pizzas into a healthy dish without too much caloric intake. Add them whole or sliced to your pizzas and they will be delicious and will have an extra contribution of vitamins and iron.

Olive marmalade: an original and healthy way to complete your breakfast that you can make yourself, with only 100 gr of green olives, 50 gr of sugar and a glass of lemon juice. Its preparation is very simple. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan over low heat. Put the olives first, then the lemon juice and the sugar. Mix the mixture with a blender until a paste forms. Let it rest a few minutes and remove it. You will have a delicious and natural olive marmalade at home.

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